We’re excited to share that our recent seminar at Hotel Hablis, Chennai, was a tremendous success! The event, themed “Driving Industrial Transformation: Insights from SUPCON,” brought together industry professionals for a day of engaging presentations, lively discussions, and networking.

At the seminar, we showcased our latest Universal Control System (UCS), which is revolutionizing traditional control systems with the integration of Industrial AI.

We also introduced SUPCON’s comprehensive digitalization solutions and demonstrated our cutting-edge products, including SUPCON DCS, PLC,UCS, field instrumentation, and Hobre gas analyzer solutions.

Our integration solutions, including electrical and metering packaged offerings, were also highlighted, sparking great interest.

The presentation team did an outstanding job connecting with the audience, addressing their questions, and providing valuable insights into how our solutions can drive industrial transformation.

The seminar concluded with a networking session, allowing us to deepen relationships and foster collaboration within the industry.

We like to thank you everyone who attended and contributed to making this event a success!

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